Bali: A Journey For The Soul – What They Don’t Tell You

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Bali backyard rice fields

When it comes to this island, you can’t really compare it to others. Sure it has the climate, food, beaches, lush greenery, beauty and smiles that so many other tropical islands have. But Bali is truly unique.

There is a reason why they call it the Island of the Gods. When I lived there for 3 months, I had the privilege to make some really close local friends who taught me a lot about Balinese culture and history. The natives are not only friendly but open and welcoming.


Ubud Bali Villa


I found myself on a bit of a mission to understand why I and so many people gravitate to this small island in the middle of the world. What was the reason I was pulled in that direction? Why Bali?

I came to discover there were several like me. Every tourist I met, from every country you can think of, had an identical instinctual feeling. Some moved there permanently and others had this unified response when asked, “so how long are you here for?” The answer would generally go…, “not sure actually.”


LOVE wall sound meditation Bali


The need for so many, not just Liz Gilbert from Eat Pray Love, to come and settle there is to take a journey for the soul. It becomes the intention. It’s when you feel completely at a loss in life and are in despair. When you are at such a critical and confusing crossroads, this place of wonder can help you unlock the solution. Bali IS eat, pray and love.

After traveling around the world, Bali is simply unmatched to any place on earth. If you are an anti-religious or non-spiritual person prior to your arrival—Bali would change that. This doesn’t happen on a conscious level, but more of an intuitive energetic level.


Bali flower


The place has magical powers. The locals cover every crevice of the island with incense and chant their blessings all day long. Their beliefs are so embedded that the atmosphere is healing. The good and bad energies are dense and the people aware. You can feel it at every point of the day.

Bali is not a destination. It’s somewhat of a calling you have to answer, a purpose you must fulfill. When you don’t follow, it will nag at you. It’s a place that will guide you and make you come to know the universe as your mentor.

Things manifest quickly and you must understand the nature of that which surrounds you. You’re pushed into becoming hyper-aware of what is good for you what does not serve you.


Nusa Lembongan Bali


Bali is a journey to the soul. You will know when your time is complete there. She will let you know. Bali is a place that calls upon you to complete a mission, understand your place in life. A place that helps you answer the hardest questions and provides an unraveling at your most confusing juncture.

It’s a piece of heaven on earth and you feel it when you’re there.












