All the yoga, personal development and long appointed therapy hours could actually be rendered useless if your secretly keeping a messy home. The clutter that we accumulate in our car, our home or office is often times overlooked and considered unimportant but is quite possibly at the source of many issues and problems that keep coming up.
What Your Clutter Says About You
How does physical clutter cause a chaotic mind?
Not limited to but usually, a phenomenon associated with single people, the mess in your home is oftentimes a direct reflection of what is going on inside and is negatively affecting how you approach life. The fact is, that mess causes stress.
Sometimes brought on by pressures or trauma, the ultimate cost of clutter affects us on a physical, social, emotional and financial level. It takes up more than physical space but mental as well and carries a subconscious burden or weight. When you hold on to things you do not need it becomes more than physical stuff but might be mirroring emotional baggage too.
The connection between your surroundings and your psychological and emotional well being is directly linked. The correlation may represent many things that have not yet been addressed and ultimately acts as a distraction. Unfinished projects occupy your mind and beg for your attention, however, neglecting to clean up could also represent…
- Stuck energy
- Procrastination
- Inability to commit to work or relationships
- Anxious and overwhelmed with change
- Unstable finances
- Wasted time
- Sense of security
- Unhealthy eat habits
For some, it’s filling a void but simultaneously creates distance between the individual and their family. For others, it’s difficult to let go of certain parts of the past and keeps them tied to it. Sometimes things may act as a link or a way to revisit the moment––just like a picture takes you back to good times. Holding onto material things you will never use, wear or apply prevents new opportunities from emerging or moving forward in any way.
Lastly, not only is clutter hazardous but the accumulation of dirt, dust or exposure to mold can impact your health bringing on allergies, asthma, and headaches that were once never there.
9 Ways Clearing Your Space Can Clear Your Mind
Cleaning could be a great outlet for energy, negative emotions and is therapeutic causing you to clear your mind, invoke inspiration and enable the time to think about things that you have put aside. Inspiration can only derive from change, movement and clarity.
The trouble is knowing what to let go of and what not to…what do you need or can live without? When you get rid of something, you are essentially cutting ties with it––the history, what it represents and how it makes you feel. If the thought of this makes you feel anxious, then that’s usually an indication that it’s not the actual thing you should be letting go of, but the emotions attached to it that need to be addressed. Try to recognize patterns, habits, and obsessive behavior and then understand that loosening your grip on things will help you break free.
A hoarder will accumulate things they don’t need or will ever use and has difficulty cultivating or maintaining healthy relationships. Cleanliness and clear spaces send the message that you are free and allow the attraction for someone new making way for ones that will flourish.
1- Buy less. Start off by minimizing your purchases and focus on experiencing more. When you feel you want to buy something, just ask yourself if you already have it, do you really need it and could that money potentially be set aside for something you’ve always wanted to do?
2- Define the purpose of each room. Create a sanctuary. Is it a workspace, bedroom, storage or pantry, etc. Once assigned, this will help you to organize and decorate each room as they all reflect or symbolize a different aspect of your life.
3- Designate boxes and areas for things you LOVE and use regularly. Instead, buy stylish storage boxes that don’t necessarily need to be hidden but add flair to the decor.
This includes clearing the clutter in your wardrobe, cupboards, and piles or stacks of useless paper in junk drawers. Once you’ve determined what is necessary and what is not, storing and putting unused items in labeled boxes or inputting them in a tablet will allow you to grab them quickly and be more efficient in your tasks.
4- Contaminated air vs. Clean air. The air we breathe in especially daily and in enclosed spaces has a direct effect on our long-term health.
5- Materialism vs. Minimalism. Lots to be said about living with less. Leaves you with very little to worry about.
6- You feel lighter, freer and with a renewed sense of purpose. Clutter blocks free-flowing energy.
7- Baggage gets addressed and problems can suddenly drift away. When you deal with issues you’ve held onto for so long, you begin to feel a stronger sense of control over your life.
8- You will sleep better. You may not notice it but a clean house will allow you to relax, feel at ease and when you know the space you are inhabiting is clean and wide open, your mind relaxes too.
9- Air out your home. Once you’ve cleared the clutter, open your windows once a day, place plants in every room and get used to living in a comfortable atmosphere where you can unwind and breathe freely usually identified as Feng Shui.
Good Feng Shui is when…your environment has a healthy flow of the universal life-giving force called Chi Energy.
You can think clearly and any future choices will lead you to a string of other healthier choices and decisions. Instead of things giving comfort, you’ll notice that your space is filled with clear air and beauty which will bring forth a new life.