The average American dieter makes 4-6 dieting attempts per year. Clearly, that means the first…second…and the third attempt wasn’t successful. Sometimes diets are an epic fail. It’s a vicious circle of demotivation that leaves many feeling like they cannot succeed without superhuman tenacity.
Maybe you are ready to throw in the (oversized) towel on dieting for good. Don’t be.
Before you despair, take a minute to understand the four reasons why most diets fail, and then find a diet plan that bypasses these pitfalls. Soon you will find yourself on track to optimal success.
Let’s look at the four key factors why diets fail.
Unrealistic Calorie Intakes
The “starvation mode” method only sets you up to fail. By consuming so little food, your body literally starts shutting down to conserve fuel. Not to mention calorie counting can be a total killjoy when you want to just enjoy the food.
When this happens, you are on a one-way path to a fat loss plateau. Yes, you should lower calorie intake to see fat loss results, but you need to do it in a way that maintains your “metabolic engine”.
Focus less on a restrictive calorie intake that throws off the release of hormones allowing you to burn fat and more about consuming healthy foods high in calorie quality and rich in nutrients.
Lack Of Satiety-Boosting Nutrients
Another big issue with most conventional diets is they fail to provide enough of the two most filling nutrients: protein and fiber. You need protein to function optimally. It breaks down the slowest and provides the body with lasting satiety.
Couple protein with dietary fiber, found in fresh fruits and vegetables, and digestion will slow even further.rash diet plans are very low in protein. While they recommend lots of vegetables, many of these diets fail because they discourage the consumption of fruit which sometimes contains the most fiber.
Crash diet plans are very low in protein. While they recommend lots of vegetables, many of these diets fail because they discourage the consumption of fruit which sometimes contains the most fiber.
By making these two nutrients a focus of your plan instead, you’ll feel full without the extra calories and you can see faster, lasting results while actually enjoying your diet meal plan.
Time Consuming Meal Prep
Also another killjoy, who has an hour each and every day to meal prep? Not me — and definitely not you. Yet, many diet plans are complicated enough to require this. If that describes your diet, it’s no wonder if you’re failing.
Alternatively, you want to find an approach that’s fun, gives you basic and easy-to-implement guidelines and ultimately help you realize true success with your program.
This plan should not require hours of extra effort each week. In that case, it’s stealing free time that you should use to reward yourself for good behavior. It should work with your lifestyle, not against it. When you find such a plan, it’ll be cake to stick with it.
Long-Term Approach
Chances are you’ve heard that any diet plan you use should follow a long-term approach and ideally adopt it as part of your lifestyle.
That’s excellent advice.
However, if your diet plan is designed to span months, this could derail your motivation.
Find a diet with a definite deadline. Two weeks is optimal because that’s how long it takes to form long-term habits which in turn becomes a lifestyle. Two weeks is also long enough to see good results, but not short enough to stay motivated.
Anyone willing and determined to lose weight can diet for two weeks. This is foundational to The 2 Week Diet. In so many cases, the initial transformation is nothing short of remarkable and provides abundant motivation for continued fat burning. Success breeds success.
To harness the powerful psychology behind The 2 Week Diet, check it out here: